Sunday, March 17, 2013

Same Sex Classes Action Research

Here is my action research plan.  Please let me know what you think and if any changes need to be made.

Same Sex Classes Action Research Plan
Goal:  The goals of this action research project is to determine if same sex classes improve the academic success of high school math students.
Action Step (s)
Person(s) Responsible
Timeline:  Start/End
Needed Resources
Survey students on thoughts about same sex math class vs. heterogeneous core classes
Jamie Baldwin
April 2013
Have each student complete a survey and explain how same sex class is beneficial to academic success.
Collect data from math unit tests from each class
Jamie Baldwin
April 2013
Math unit test scores
Analyze data and gather in an Excel workbook
Research the success rates of same sex classes
Jamie Baldwin
April 2013
Internet, scholarly journals
Research instructional strategies and analyze why same sex classrooms are successful.
Collect TAKS data for current math students
Jamie Baldwin
May 2013
TAKS Data,
Analyze TAKS scores and gather in an Excel worksheet
Compare math unit exams and TAKS scores from 2011 – 2012 heterogenous classes to 2012 -2013 same sex classes
Jamie Baldwin
May 2013
Math unit test scores, TAKS Data
Analyze 2011-12 data and 2012-13 data and gather in an Excel worksheet
Create data tables/ graphs comparing 2011-12 test data to 2012-13 test data
Jamie Baldwin
May 2013
Excel, Test data
Create presentation on why same sex classes are successful
Present findings to Principal, Associate principal, and assistant principals
Jamie Baldwin
June 2013
Power Point
Explain to principals that same sex classes are successful and should be implemented in other core subjects.


  1. We have a few classes that are almost same sex just due to scheduling. Being a small school when we have boys athletics it is very possible to have a class of all girls and vice versa. I would be interested to see if there is a relationship between those and improved scores. I can tell you one aspect you might add is it seems are all male classes seem to have larger discipline issues, especially for teachers who have issues with classroom management to begin with.

    1. Thank you Trey. I will address the classroom management piece. My all boys classes can be more difficult than my all girls classes. I teach my boys first and second period for that reason.
